Covid-19 put a stop to many firehouse traditions, one such tradition was our annual inspection. It is during this time of the year our members paint and repair tools and thoroughly wash and wax the apparatus ensuring it is in top condition to respond to the various emergencies throughout the year. Inspection is also a small competition between companies to see who has the shiniest apparatus and cleanest tools when it’s all said and done.
Yesterday, The Ant Hill Mob was fortunate to bring back the annual inspection. Numerous members and their families attended as well as visiting chiefs from neighboring departments. All of the apparatus looked phenomenal! Taking home 1st was Engine company 2 with 19-4-1.
On behalf of all the Firematic officers we would like to thank the membership for their hard work the last few months in preparation and congratulate the men and women of Engine 2 on their victory.
Photos Courtesy of Lt. PJ Kelly |